Ecological and community tourism in the village of Fortalezinha in the Maiandeua archipelago, in the state of Pará, offers a unique experience for visitors seeking tranquility, peace and contact with nature.
Located 170km f( 105 mile) from Belém and on the opposite side of Vila de Algodoal, Fortalezinha is a silent and paradisiacal village, allowing visitors to connect intensely with nature and appreciate the harmony and simplicity of the place and its inhabitants.
Things to do in Fortaleza
Fortaleza Village

Fortalezinha is a rustic village, but has a rich fauna and flora and hospitable people. Furthermore, the village is a starting point for visiting Praia de Fortalezinha, where you can enjoy a rustic lunch based on fresh fish grilled or fried.
Fortalezinha Beach

Fortalezinha Beach is in front of your villa, accessible only on foot or by boat, depending on the tide. The beach is wonderful, paradisiacal and usually has flocks of birds. From Praia it is also possible to book boat trips through the Maiandeua mangroves, and the region is popular with kitesurfers.
The beach is an unmissable destination for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty. The restaurants you can find are very simple and normally only open on weekends and long holidays, so if you go for a walk during the week, take some food or drink with you to consume on the beach.
Carimbó House

Casa do Carimbó, an unmissable place for anyone who wants to explore the culture and traditions of Pará, was built by a couple (one native and the other from Spain) with recycled materials from the island, such as mud, clay, stones, wood and foliage. Furthermore, Catitu is the leader of the carimbó group Filhos de Maiandeua, which offers a unique and frenetic performance, typical of the state of Pará.
Igarapé da Tia Nazaré

Igarapé da Tia Nazaré is a charming place surrounded by lush nature. With crystal clear waters and a peaceful landscape, it is an ideal place to relax and cool off on a hot day.
It’s a simple place, but it provides special moments in contact with nature.
Paradise of Coconut Trees

Paraíso dos Coqueiros is a little bar located in a high part of the village, from there you have a wonderful view of Praia de Fortalezinha, you can’t miss this place.
How to get to Fortalezinha?
To get to Fortalezinha, first of all you must first arrive in Algodoal. Click here to find out more about this village and how to get there.
Boat and Hike
From Algodoal you must take a boat (R$ 10.00) to Vila de Camboinha, which takes around 15 minutes. From Vila de Camboinha, visitors can choose a 6 km trail to Vila de Fortalezinha, which is a small dirt road. During the journey, it is possible to see different types of birds, such as hawks, woodpeckers and monkeys, providing an incredible experience for nature and adventure lovers.
Boat and Motorcycle Taxi
Another option is to take a boat from Vila de Algodoal to Vila de Camboinhas, then a motorcycle taxi to Fortalezinha (R$ 20.00 return).
In Maiandeua there are few motorbikes that have a license to travel around the islands, in Algodoal you won’t find motorbikes, but from Camboinha to Vila de Fortalezinha you can use a motorbike taxi.
Boat only
There is also the most expensive option, which is to take a boat from Vila de Algodoal and go directly to Vila de Fortalezinha (R$ 150.00). This route also includes walks through the mangroves until reaching the village of Fortalezinha.
Fortalezinha is a charming place full of incredible attractions to explore. If you are looking for contact with nature, this village is the ideal place for you. You can stroll through the mangroves, spot different species of birds and even enjoy a rustic lunch with fresh fish on the beach.
You can also learn more about the local culture and talk to the villagers, who are extremely hospitable. In short, Fortalezinha is a true natural paradise that is worth knowing and exploring, it will probably be one of the most rustic places for tourism that you will visit in Brazil.