Trilha da Pedra Selada
Trilha da Pedra Selada

Pedra Selada Trail: Nature and Adventure

The Pedra Selada Trail is located in the Pedra Selada State Park, and is one of the most popular trails in the Visconde de Mauá region, Resende district, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. With a stunning panoramic view, the trail has attracted many adventurers and nature lovers. Here, you will find all the information you need to prepare for this adventure.

About the Pedra Selada Trail

Parque Estadual da Pedra Selada.
Pedra Selada State Park. Photo: Ariane GS wikiloc.

The Pedra Selada Trail is an adventure for lovers of nature and challenging trails. With its length of 2.5 km (1.55 mile) and 1755 meters (5757ft) of altitude, this trail is considered to be very difficult, requiring 2 hours of steep walking to reach its summit.

But despite the effort required, the reward at the end of the trail is breathtaking. From the top of Pedra Selada, it is possible to have a breathtaking panoramic view of the Serra da Mantiqueira, including the majestic Pico das Agulhas Negras.

The Pedra Selada trail has excellent signage and along the way, visitors also have the opportunity to enjoy waterfalls, fauna and stunning landscapes.

The trail is quite busy, especially on weekends and holidays, so it’s important to be prepared and bring enough supplies for the hike.

How to get to the Pedra Selada Trail

Mapa da Pedra Selada.
Map of Pedra Selada.

By car

If you are planning a visit to the Pedra Selada trail from the city of Rio de Janeiro by car, there is some useful information that can help make your trip smoother and more enjoyable.

Leaving the city of Rio de Janeiro, the most common route is to follow Rodovia Presidente Dutra and access exit 311, which gives access to RJ-163. From there, it will be around 28 km to the RJ-151, which leads to Visconde de Mauá.

Upon arriving in Visconde de Mauá, you can head towards the villages of Campo Alegre and Rio Preto until you reach Fazenda do Sr. Alcebíades. There is a sign indicating the entrance to the Pedra Selada trail, which is about 10 km away. At the location where you access the trail entrance, there is a bar where you need to pay a fee to access the trail, as well as parking and restrooms available.

By bus

You can also go to Resende from Rio de Janeiro by bus via Cidade do Aço, the ticket costs R$ 79.35 each way and takes 2h:30min.

What to take

For a safe and pleasant walk, it is essential to take some important items, such as:

  • Enough water for the walk
  • Snack to eat during the trail
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Appropriate clothing for hiking, such as long pants and boots
  • Backpack to carry items

Hiking Tips

Trilha da Pedra Selada
Pedra Selada Trail. View from the top. Photo: João Paulo Marques D’Andretta

To make the most of the trail, it is important to follow some important tips:

  • Start the walk early, preferably before 9am or 3pm to see the sunset
  • Bring enough to eat and hydrate during the trail
  • Don’t throw trash on the trail, so take a bag to store your trash
  • Follow the marked trails and don’t go off the path
  • Pay attention to your safety and use appropriate equipment


The Pedra Selada Trail is a unique experience for nature and adventure lovers. With a spectacular panoramic view and a well-marked trail, the walk to the top of Pedra Selada is challenging, but worth it for the view from the top.


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