Arraial do Cabo
Arraial do Cabo

Things to do in Arraial do Cabo

Arraial do Cabo is one of the most beautiful beaches in Rio de Janeiro and is located in the Lagos Region, bathed by a sea that is turquoise or emerald.

The destination encompasses the most diverse traveler profiles, in addition to being one of the most coveted destinations for divers and ecotourism lovers.

Get ready to contemplate magnificent landscapes and have the opportunity to get close to fantastic animals such as whales, dolphins and sea turtles. Undoubtedly a unique experience!

Check out things to do in Arraial do Cabo and have a good trip!

Praia do Farol (Lighthouse Beach)

Praia do Farol em Arraial do Cabo
Praia do Farol in Arraial do Cabo. Photo: Munich Renne.

Main attraction of Arraial do Cabo, Praia do Farol is considered not only one of the most beautiful in the entire Lagos Region, but also in all of Brazil.

The (deserved) fame came after the beach was classified by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) as one of the best in several aspects, such as: water purity, sand quality and landscape.

Another interesting point about Praia do Farol is its level of preservation. Because it is a protection area of ​​the Brazilian Navy and has limited access, the site suffered very little from human impact. Definitely one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil.

In short, to get to know her, you need to request prior authorization. Once authorization is in hand, access is granted to only 250 visitors per day who can stay on the beach for up to 45 minutes. Even with very restricted time, it is worth the visit!

Passeio de Barco (Boat ride)

Passeio de barco em Arraial do Cabo
Boat trip in Arraial do Cabo.

Visiting Arraial de Cabo and not taking the famous boat trip is unacceptable. In fact, in addition to being a unique opportunity to get to know the city’s attractions in more depth, this is the only way to visit Praia do Farol.

The tours last from three to four hours and the itineraries usually include: Praia do Farol, Gruta Azul, Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia and Praia do Forno, where the tour ends.

Tour boats depart from Praia dos Anjos and there are boat options for all types of travellers. That is, from the most intimate to the most partying.

Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia

Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia em Arraial do Cabo
Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia. Photo: Disclosure.

The impression we have when going down the famous staircase that gives access to Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia is that we will arrive in paradise at any moment. And indeed, we arrived.

From the top of the hill, it is possible to contemplate a paradisiacal scenario where it is practically impossible not to be impressed by such beauty. The descent is steep and there are many steps, however, the effort will be worth it as soon as you step onto the little beaches. Undoubtedly one of the classic tours on what to do in Arraial do Cabo.

The little beaches are on Morro do Pontal do Atalaia and got this name because it is composed of two beaches. At low tide, both come together in the same strip of sand and form a single beach.

Water sports and diving

mergulho em Arraial do Cabo
Diving in Arraial do Cabo.

The city of Arraial do Cabo is also considered the “Brazilian Diving Capital”. This happens due to a number of factors such as: depth, excellent water visibility and the wide variety of marine species. A delight for those who practice diving!

The good news? You don’t need to be an expert to dive in Arraial do Cabo. Inexperienced travelers can experience the delicious feeling of a baptism dive at any time. It is also possible to practice other water sports such as kitsurfing and surfing.

Trilha do Farol Velho (Farol Velho Trail)

Trilha do Farol Velho em Arraial do Cabo
Old Lighthouse trail in Arraial do Cabo. Photo: Barbara Lopes.

The Farol Velho trail is much sought after by ecotourism enthusiasts. The Farol Velho, which gives its name to the trail, was built at the beginning of the last century and was deactivated shortly afterwards and currently serves only as an attraction.

Today, Ilha do Farol (where the trail is located) is protected by the Brazilian Navy and limits access for visitors. A curiosity about this tour is the fact that the island is the highest point in the Lagos Region, over 300 meters (984 ft)high.

Fenda de Nossa Senhora de Assunção (Cleft of Our Lady of Assumption)

Fenda de Nossa Senhora de Assunção em Arraial do Cabo
Fenda de Nossa Senhora de Assunção (Cleft of Our Lady of Assumption)

The Crevice of Nossa Senhora de Assunção is one of the most traditional attractions in Arraial do Cabo. The origin of the name dates back to the year 1721 when a fisherman found a statue of Nossa Senhora Aparecida there.

Surprisingly, the rocky crevice is approximately 5 meters wide(15 ft), 40 meters high (131 ft) and the crevice reaches almost sea level.

Lago do Amor (Lake of Love)

Lago do Amor em Arraial do Cabo
Lago do Amor in Arraial do Cabo. Photo: @martiinsthaiane.

Lago do Amor is a recent attraction in Arraial do Cabo. Discovered about a year ago for tourism, this turquoise blue natural pool is formed only when the sea is rough. Located between Brava and Praia Grande beaches, Lago do Amor quickly became one of the most coveted spots in the region.

Access to the site is not one of the easiest and requires physical preparation and support from experienced guides. On average, the trail takes about 30 minutes.

Mirante da Cabocla (Cabocla Lookout)

Mirante da cabocla em Arraial do Cabo
Cabocla viewpoint in Arraial do Cabo. Photo: Filipe Xavier.

Located on Morro da Cabocla, the lookout of the same name has one of the most beautiful views in the region. With predominant Restinga vegetation, the view from the top is stunning. In fact, during the tour, take the opportunity to make a crossing that is still little explored by tourists: the crossing between Prainha and Praia do Forno.

Praia Brava (Brava Beach)

Praia Brava em Arraial do Cabo
Praia Brava (Brava Beach). Photo: @luciana.schr

Located in Pontal do Atalaia, Praia Brava is one of the wildest in the region, as its access is limited by only one trail.

Darling among professional surfers for living up to its name, Praia Brava is a stronghold of adventurers and athletes. It is very worthwhile to know it, however, it requires a minimum of physical preparation.

As it is one of the most preserved places in Arraial do Cabo, there are no kiosks or street vendors there. We therefore recommend bringing your own food and drink.

Final Considerations

Pórtico do Arraial do Cabo
Portico of Arraial do Cabo

Arraial do Cabo is a true paradise for beach and nature lovers. With its beaches of crystalline waters and white sand, it is impossible not to be enchanted by so much natural beauty. In addition to the beaches, the city offers several options for activities such as boat trips, ecological trails, diving and much more.

It is also possible to enjoy the local cuisine, which is rich in seafood and typical dishes from the region. With so many options, Arraial do Cabo is the perfect destination for those looking to relax and enjoy the best that nature has to offer.


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