Cachoeira da Neblina, a maior cachoeira do Brasil.
Cachoeira da Neblina, a maior cachoeira do Brasil.

Cachoeira da Neblina – The largest waterfall in Brazil

The biggest waterfall in Brazil

Cachoeira da Neblina, located in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park, in Guapimirim, Rio de Janeiro, is considered the largest waterfall in Brazil, with an impressive height of 450 meters (1476ft). Its location is at the sources of the Soberbo River, in the upper part of the Serra dos Órgãos massif.

This majestic waterfall had its height mapped in 2019, during an unprecedented scientific-exploratory expedition and involved a team specialized in canyoneering. The waterfall is located at the top of the mountain, which makes it absolutely fascinating for any observer. However, due to its steep and dangerous drop, bathing or visiting it up close is strictly prohibited. The complexity and danger of the area make it possible only to appreciate its beauty from a distance.

Until recently, there was much controversy regarding the height of several Brazilian waterfalls, many of which only had unofficial, scientifically based estimates. It was in this context that Leomar Teichmann, a gaucho, created the Cachoeiras Gigantes Project, with the aim of mapping and measuring the largest waterfalls in Brazil. Height measurements are carried out based on international criteria and using appropriate equipment and scientific calculations.

Cachoeira da Neblina, a maior cachoeira do Brasil.
Cachoeira da Neblina, the largest waterfall in Brazil. Photo: Guilherme Lisboa

The project intends to catalog all waterfalls in Brazil over 100 meters high, a task that will not be easy due to the difficulty of accessing many of these falls. To date, 160 waterfalls have been identified, and Leomar intends to publish a book after completing the work.

In the case of the Neblina waterfall, access is extremely difficult and is only permitted through expeditions authorized by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio).

The Neblina waterfall is just one of the attractions of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park. In addition, visitors can enjoy natural pools, smaller waterfalls, mountain shelters, camping areas, visitor centers and picnic areas. For mountaineering lovers, the park offers the opportunity to climb famous peaks, such as Dedo de Deus and Agulha do Diabo.

Serra dos Órgãos National Park

Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos
Serra dos Órgãos National Park.

The Serra dos Órgãos National Park plays a fundamental role in preserving the region’s ecosystem. In addition to housing a rich diversity of species, the park contributes to the conservation of water resources, protecting springs and watercourses that are important for maintaining environmental balance.

To visit the park and enjoy all its wonders, it is necessary to be aware of the rules and regulations established by ICMBio. It is important to respect nature, not leave trash on the trails, avoid camping in unauthorized locations and follow the instructions of guides and monitors during expeditions.

Ranking of the 10 largest waterfalls in Brazil

  1. Neblina Waterfall (450 meters – 1476ft): In the Serra dos Órgãos National Park, Rio de Janeiro.
  2. Eldorado Waterfall (353 meters – 1158ft): In Barcelos, Amazonas.
  3. Fumaça Waterfall (340 meters – 1115ft): In Chapada Diamantina, Bahia.
  4. Boa Vista Waterfall (310 meters – 1017ft): Border between São José dos Ausentes – Rio Grande do Sul and Morro Grande – Santa Catarina.
  5. Waterfall Risco Verde(296 meters – 971ft): In São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul.
  6. Waterfall Véu da Noiva (289 meters – 948ft): In Cânion Itaimbezinho – Border between Cambará do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul and Praia Grande – Santa Catarina.
  7. Bel Véu da Noiva (280 meters – 918ft): In Monte Alegre – Bahia.
  8. Tabuleiro Véu da Noiva (273 meters – 895ft): Serra do Intendente State Park – Conceição do Mato Dentro – Minas Gerais.
  9. Cachoeirão Véu da Noiva (270 meters – 885ft): In Chapada Diamantina – Bahia
  10. Água Branca Waterfall (259 meters – 849ft): In Maquiné – Rio Grande do Sul


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